Plaza de Armas


The Gecko

The Peru Trip

Days 3 & 4

Plaza de Armas Arequipa Plaza de Armas La Catedral La Compañia El Misti Around Arequipa Around Arequipa Water Condor Around Arequipa Museo Histórico Santa Catalina Santa Catalina Santa Catalina Santa Catalina Santa Catalina Alpaca
Arequipa Cathedral occupies the whole of the north side of the Plaza de Armas. It has a fraught history. - Most recently, in 2001, one of the towers was destroyed by an earthquake, and was rebuilt.

(The main square, as in many Latin-American cities, is the Plaza de Armas - "Place of Arms").
Plaza de Armas
picture © Ed Anderson/Kate Baldock 2007
Lima Nasca Arequipa Puno Cusco Machu Picchu Lima to Nasca Nasca to Arequipa Arequipa to Puno Puno to Cusco Inca Trail big pic Start trip big pic